A downloadable game for Windows

Its simon says using hand recognizion. In turns players will try to replicate each other's hand gestures and making new ones.

It runs on the console, made with mediapipe hand recongnizion

Works by detecting one hand on the camera and checking its gesture, i recommend playing everyone with the same hand (ex. right hand) and having the other hidden (maybe in the pocket)

All audio and text are in spanish. For those who do not know, it will ask you first to press 1 to start the round, to reproduce all gestures made previously in order and then to make a new one.

May release an .exe version in the near future


Simonpipe.zip 364 kB

Install instructions

There is a readme in the file but in case 

Need python less than 3.11

download all libraries in this order to avoid conflicts (download with pip install <nameLibrary>)

  • mediapipe
  • time
  • opencv (cv2)
  • math
  • argparse
  • pygame

for executing: python3 handgame.py (--options)

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